This is hopefully to be the first post of many. We decided that the best way of keeping up with the garden over the summer is to post pictures of our harvest. As we had a long winter this year (and didn't plant any spring crops in the autumn) the first produce is only just coming in, eggs aside. Our potatoes are almost ready and our salad crop is coming on nicely. The tomatoes (in the conservatory) are flowering and 4 feet tall and we have a few flowers blooming away quietly. I shall try and include some of the flowers in here too even if they are not part of the traditional harvest.
Thinning out the salad crop - it would be a shame not to eat it!
Our alliums have been with us all month, blossoming quietly outside the window.
The sweet peas have just opened this weekend.
We don't know what these are but they needed pruning and look pretty!