While it's definitely autumn now our Summer Knits are still progressing but I must admit I'm getting a little impatient with mine at the moment. It's an impatience that I'm sure that everyone who's ever knitted socks, gloves, mittens or a jumper can probably attest to.... I'm knitting the
second sleeve! I really want to get working on the yoke, which is going to be by far the most interesting bit of the whole thing, but I can't until I have two sleeves. *Sighs*
We've got lots of driving and plenty of time sat chatting to people this weekend so hopefully I can plough on and get to the interesting bit soon. Fingers crossed, eh?
p.s. I know I talk about my summer knit much more frequently than Joe's. That's because he's a much busier person than I am, coupled with being a new knitter, and as such is making much slower progress. I'll show you how he's getting on when there's something to show.
4. Bust Shaping